About Me

Hi! I’m mandy

independent celebrant

hello there…

I’d like to share a little about me, and why I made the move into the vocation of celebrancy. Some years ago, my Father died and although I’d experienced my fair share of loss and grief in my life, it was the first time that I’d been put in the position of organising a funeral, or as I prefer to call it, a celebration of life.

Dad wasn’t religious in the slightest and so we ruled out calling a vicar, and in doing some research I found that the options seemed to be the religious route or the non-religious route, and so we booked a humanist speaker. He was very good and empathic, yet one of his opening remarks was that he was a humanist and they believe that when you’re dead, you’re dead. 

It struck me that there seemed to be only two options that I was aware of. I felt then, and still feel strongly now, that ceremonies should be reflective of the individuals beliefs and values, and not those of the officiant. 

And so I re-trained, with the Fellowship of Independent Celebrants, an organisation that values providing bespoke, personalised ceremonies that are delivered with love. You can find my profile here.

As a self-employed celebrant, I answer to you and you alone in preparing your ceremonies. 

I love what I do, meeting families and hearing their stories, and sharing those stories with the ones that you love. 

You’ll see that many photographs on this site are inspired by nature, and many of my ceremonies are conducted outdoors where possible. I love nature and consider myself to be a spiritual person, and if that fits with you I’d love to bring that to your ceremony.

It’s worth noting that I live in Lancashire, and am happy to travel. Looking forward to my first Irish wedding in 2022! 

Drop us a line

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