celebrating life
readings, rituals and creative ceremonies

Celebrating a life well lived
In this section you can find poems, readings and ideas for creative ceremonies. Using ritual and ceremony has always been an important part of the changing chapters of our lives, and there is no designated right or wrong way to do it. A useful framework may be to think about things that are important to you, your family and your loved one. Creative elements may include readings, poetry, music, symbols and even the choice of venue.
Losing a loved one to Alzheimers
Losing a loved one to alzheimers or dementia it is always difficult, it can feel more complicated because it's almost like we start to grieve for our loved one whilst they are still physically here, and that can bring up some complex feelings and emotions. This poem...
Arranging a celebration of life
A Celebration of Life A celebration of life seems to be a bit of a new way of describing a traditional funeral, but to me they are very different things. A celebration of life does not start with a trip to a funeral director. A celebration of life is considered, not...

Celebrating your love
A wedding is a true celebration of love for one another, and how your relationship is present in the world. A wedding ceremony can be very creative, using elements that have meaning for those getting married whether that is referencing a favourite movie scene, or music, bringing in important places and of course the wider family. I love when partners have a theme to work with, whether that is nature or star wars or a favourite muscial instrument.
Arranging a Wedding Ceremony
I'm so excited for you. So you're arranging your wedding and are looking for ideas about your ceremony? You've come to the right place. This article will share some resources, some of my own experiences and ideas for you to ponder. The main thing that I'd like to...

Family celebrations
Of course, family celebrations cover so much more than celebrating love in pairings, or saying farewell. You may want to celebrate a coming of age, a new arrival in the family or a transition, for example, a graduation event.
I can help with speech writing, acting as mistress of ceremonies for events and shaping a ceremony that feels right for your family.
Welcome to the World!
Naming ceremonies or welcome to the world events are a wonderful way to get family and friends together and celebrate a new arrival. If you are multi-faith, more spiritual than religious, or pagan in principle having an independent celebrant leading a ceremony can...
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